Friday 11 December 2020

A most rare vision

 I awake some time after midnight, and the little girl is about eye-level, standing three feet away in front of our bedroom curtains.  She's leaning to her right, looking mildly curious, dressed in pink and turquoise - looks like windbreaker.  Small ponytails stick out from her brown cheeks. She looks indigenous, either North American or South Asian.

I can see her so well because she appears in a flash of daylight -- which tells me in a split second, that she's not really there.  I blink, and the room is dark again.  I know she's gone, and fight the impulse to reach behind me to wake the Resident Fan Boy.

What I've seen is not terrifying, but I'm startled, and as I settle my head once again into my pillow, I hear my heart hammering.

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