Thursday 19 August 2021

Here we are, extending into shooting stars

We were escorting Demeter home as the light faded, when I happened to glance over my left shoulder. 

Fighting free of the trees, I saw a peach-coloured moon, not quite ripe. It won't be full until Sunday, when it will be a Sturgeon Moon as well as a Blue Moon -- not because of being the second full moon of the month (it isn't), but because it's the third of four full moons within one season. The last one will be the Harvest Moon, which will rise just before the equinox brings the summer to a close. 

We saw Demeter safely into her apartment, then hurried home to see if younger daughter wished to join us on the roof for another look. 

We took the elevator to the fifth floor, and stepped out. 

The moon was largely hidden behind some treetops, and had shed much of its peachy glow. However, shining in scarlet between the trees, I saw Mars rising in the east, and the Resident Fan Boy spotted Venus, in her guise as the Evening Star, brilliant on the western horizon. 

I glanced up, and directly above was the first actual star of the night. I made a wish. 

I don't know how I missed this song in 2012. It was probably because I was otherwise occupied. Spotify has brought it to my attention. I rather love it.

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