Gotta go to bed. But it's the last day of May, and I need to write a May post, no matter how brief. Elder daughter, an intelligent young woman who is about to enter her final year of her undergraduate degree and has been named co-editor-in-chief of her university magazine, has an inexplicable obsession with One Direction. (Well, I suppose they are her contemporaries.) Needless to say, I've been torturing her with this parody. Lots of puerile "they must be gay" humour, but some wonderful throw-way zingers.
We are the seventh sign of the apocalypse...
We've had a humidex of 40 today and the current temperature is 27 with a humidex of 38. Must go to bed...
You know, when I see something like this I can't help but wonder:
Exactly which part do they consider the "surprise?"
The candy wrappers smashed into the...
45 minutes ago