Friday 2 December 2022

Do I?

I spent most of the day not getting stuff done -- well, not getting the right things done, anyway. 

This song, according to Spotify, is in my top five for 2022. Naturally, it's from 2008, but I never heard it until this year. I like the driving tempo, with the surprisingly wispy vocals (which I like as well). I was a little disappointed when I looked up the lyrics, but I can ignore those. Feel free to ignore them too.  
 On a whim
We climbed in a car 
That was headed down South

You were older
And I was hard-pressed for action
Could you tell?

You said, "Here, my dear!"
At the vanity fair
"Let's make hay while the sun shines!"
But was it fair?

Old playthings are all laid to waste
Thrown out to make better space

So I got a job
Cleaning toilets
In a nightclub in Baltimore

And I guess that's that
Almost shorter than a dream
And definitely less noise.

(Do I? Do I? Do I? Do I?)

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