I've just discovered that there's been a blog following the filming of David Tennant's Hamlet which is now in its final week! Among the tidbits of info: Jenny Fava, one of the assistant directors on Doctor Who is also assistant-directing here; it is apparently very well-catered...
You can also follow these "Illumination" guys as well as the Royal Shakespeare Company itself on Twitter, if you like that sort of thing. (I'm still bemused.)
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Need more excuses to eat cake, minions? Then I'VE GOT YA COVERED.
Why not celebrate:
*The Birth of Man*
A little esoteric perhaps, but if anyone asks, j...
12 hours ago
I would definitely travel through space and time and the ticket price to see him pine for Yorick, oh yes indeed.
Nah. You're not last to know, I must be!!
And having resisted Twitter, now finding I can't resist it... Oh dear!
i'm even later to the party than any of you -- and i'm devestated. though, at least, i can claim that i actually saw DT perform the Great Dane in Stratford last fall, as well as Berowne in LLL premiere a few nights later. i'm still floating on a haze of stunned amazement at his genuine acting chops and overactive hormones because, believe me, he's got IT!
You can't really really swoon over darlin' David till you have seen him as Casanova.
Click on the Memorable Quotes at the sidebar and read the delicious dialogue by Russell T Davies (who also writes Dr.Who).
Yer preachin' to the choir,
Ann oDyne! We're all very well versed in RTD's Casanova here, and I think I'm safe in saying that we all own copies with our sweaty fingerprints all over the cover!
b.a.b., where on earth have you been? (It's because I haven't been posting about DT enough, isn't it?)
Still striving to understand Twitter, Jane/Jules. It seems to work if you enjoy stalking celebrities and the sort of celebrities I like don't seem to Twitter. (Emma Thompson, for example. Her I'd follow...)
I've not got Twitter either and was pretty much just as late to the knowledge of the filming schedule as the rest of you. I agree that it doesn't really include many people who I would want to follow and I'm not sure I feel entirely comfortable about it anyway.
Still, I live on the divine memories of last year at Stratford and having just emerged from a serious weekend overdose of Tennant my head is nigh bursting! (we ended on Casanova and full-blown blubbing as ever).
ah, persephone, i've been quite busy with family and friend things for the past 6 weeks -- i do check in regularly though. and can there ever be enough postings about DT? i'm pretty much loaded down with every DT video i could lay my hands on (since laying hands on him seems to be unlikely [i swear to whatever gods that be, it's like i'm a 12 year old again with hormones bursting over... well, i won't say who, because that would reveal my age... but let's just say, i bought a calendar when in london with ALL DT pictures and i haven't done that in... well, since i was 12]). in any event, i've got everything from Taking Over the Asylum to L.A. Without a Map, to Lerners and several things in between. needless to say, if i could pre-order the Hamlet recording, it would be done already.
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