I think it was when Matt Smith's Doctor was roaring along in a firetruck when I exclaimed: "David Tennant must be kicking himself!" (Or is that a spoiler? Sorry...)
I mean, he could have been in this. And after suffering through the five overwrought specials of the last year that even David Tennant and a crew of other fabulous actors couldn't quite redeem, wasn't this a relief? It was scary. It was naughty. It was witty. It was edge-of-your-seat action. It was, in short, Steven Moffat. All hail the Moff. Whew. And where did they get Caitlin Blackwood, as the young Amy? Wasn't she fabulous? I think this is going to work. Mind you, I've been watching Matt Smith in Party Animals on TVO for the past few weeks, and knew from that and what little else I've seen him in, that he's a competent actor and that's really all you need with Doctor Who, aside from good writing. Loved Karen Gillian as Amy, trying to run full out while pulling down her mini.
Elder daughter worked her magic, illegally downloading the episode overnight and has informed me that if I keep referring to Matt Smith as "Frankenstein", she's going to get very annoyed. I can't help it; he's a literal tête carré, and I still want to stick bolts in his neck. Never mind; he'll do.
I'm so relieved. I'm off to finish my chocolate before my family returns from church, where I trust they weren't praying to Santa Claus.
Oh, and please tell me Annette Crosbie will be making regular appearances....
Great Expectations
I know we all love wedding wrecks with a schadenfreude-filled passion, but
when it comes to what-they-wanted vs. what-they-got wrecks, believe me,*
it's ...
18 hours ago
I think I need a teenager in the house.
And Annette Crosby?! Really? I cannot wait to see this!
BTW, I just finished reading your month's worth of postings this morning. I should have read them as you posted, then I could have commented in a timely fashion.
I really enjoy your bus stories.
And thanks for that BabelColour link. They are brilliant.
If you can't find a teenager before April 17th, the SPACE channel will be transmitting the latest Doctor Who to us deprived Canadians. If I stumble across some sneaky YouTubers, I'll send you the link.
Good thing buses are so entertaining, otherwise, I'd go crazy...
Caitlin is remarkably Karen's cousin (one she hadn't met before the read through if I recall right from the Confidential). She was awesome wasn't she?
I loved it - hell, I'm a geek at heart so my love of Ten/Tennant could never dissuade me from the series I love.
But Smith DOES look like Frankenstein's monster (pedant note: F was the Doctor, not the monster). hee hee.
I have no excuse of children/under 18's in the house. I'm watching it.
I would just like to point out, for the sake of my wounded pride, that I'm fully aware that Frankenstein was the doctor and not the monster. (So, in a way, it still fits...)
Violet was referring to illicit downloads, Lisa, as DW won't be available in Canada until the 17th. My seventeen-year-old obtained it for us. (I repeat, we will be purchasing the DVD, Auntie Beeb!)
PS I may have mistakenly got the impression that Annette Crosbie was Amy Pond's aunt, in which case she'll be in it - she knew about the Raggedy Doctor, but maybe I hallucinated that!
I loved it too. Thought MS really good in Party Animals so had given him the benefit of the doubt, and really how could anyone with a surname of Moffat go wrong (-:
Amy Pond was fab - both of them - and I loved the jokes and the running and him saying Geronimo!
Great stuff!
She did know about the Raggedy Doctor, but may be related to either Rory (Amy's boyfriend and perhaps, fiancé?) or Jeff (the one who needs to erase his computer history). Her character's name is Mrs Angelo. Rory is slated to appear in at least six more episodes, but she, alas, isn't. What a waste! I adore Annette Crosbie, and youngest daughter excitedly remembered her from The Slipper and the Rose and One Foot in the Grave, much to elder daughter's astonishment!
Oh my! I haven't watched the Dr for some considerable time. I shall have to find out if they are screening any new episodes here soon!
Aside for seeing the last David Tennant episode in England I hadn't watched Dr Who since Jon Pertwee. I'll certainly be back for more. Thanks for turning me on to the series.
I believe the new season debuts on April 18 on ABC1 in Australia, SOL. And as I've said (but it bears repeating), the SPACE channel here in Canada will be transmitting the newest season on April 17th, JDR!
No fair! Where did she get it? We too have to wait until the 17th. I'm jealous of Lisa getting them two weeks ahead (and you for having someone to find it for you)
I don't what I'll do when she heads off to university next year. She downloads it illegally through the usual channels. We watch it, then watch it legally in Canada, then buy the DVD. We have no qualms about this. We do, however, keep the full-length Doctor Who Confidentials...
Agree that the first two episodes of the new series are pretty good.
We were all holding our breath that it would up its game for the new Doctor. If you've seen the Confidentials, you'll see what a small world show-biz can be, with one of Matt Smith's friends playing Karen's husband-to-be.
Elder daughter downloads the Confidentials for us as well, and we usually keep and burn those as the Confidentials usually only appear on the DVD in their "cut-down" form. The acting community in any country is a small one; I'm pretty sure any working actor in Britain eventually performs with everybody they know in the profession. This is even more true in Canada where the population and hence the acting community is that much smaller.
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