Wednesday 5 October 2022

Twin set

I'm trudging up the hill in the late afternoon, and am overtaken by two women. I'm barely registering them until I notice that one is clad in a "Canadian tuxedo": denim jacket and denim trousers, both, in this case, dark blue. 

 I haven't seen a Canadian tuxedo in ages, and then, only on men. I watch the women stride ahead and notice that they have matching hair, that straight chin-length bob - fresh from the hairdressers - which doesn't quite match their age. And they do appear to be of an age, anywhere from late fifties to early seventies. They also share height and build: medium and slim.  Both are wearing trainers, not identical, but the same type, though different colours.  The companion of the Canadian Tuxedo clad lady is wearing a jacket and trousers of a similar style, though not in denim.

I find myself wondering if they are sisters, and when I catch up with them at the light, discreetly glance sideways.  No, they don't look related.

As they briskly enter the crosswalk ahead of me, I remember pairs of girls in my high school, the ones who had evidently conferred by phone, either the previous evening, or in the morning before getting dressed.  They'd show up in outfits of the same style, with colours carefully chosen to go together.  I don't recall ever doing this with my friends, but then I was never known for my fashion sense.

Do those matching school chums continue to do this throughout their lives?  Is that what I was witnessing?  Do high school girls still do this today?  I'd set myself up by a secondary school to see, but I have neither the time, nor the inclination to seem creepy.

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