I've actually been sleeping quite well. Early on, when this country-shutting-down business began, I'd wake up, hoping I'd imagined it, but, for the most part, I drift off easily.
Should it ever become a problem beyond the occasional Valerian, I could always take Bing Crosby's advice and count my blessings. I have a baker's dozen, at least.
1) I am at home with all the comforts thereof, enough food, and a safe place to sleep.
2) I am with my family, including both daughters, and we all are, at the time of writing, comfortable and healthy. I get the occasional uneasiness when I'm stuffy, sneezy, or head-achy, but opening a window usually is enough.
3) We have electricity and WiFi.
4) Demeter is a two-minute stroll (a one-minute panicked dash) away, and she is reasonably comfortable and very healthy.
5) I can still venture forth and get things for my family and particularly Demeter.
6) We are on a beautiful (unusually quiet) street, and our windows afford views of flower beds, trees, and, up until recently, a steadily diminishing number of passersby -- also the occasional delinquent deer. It's spring, something at which Victoria excels.
7) I am actually hearing more from friends than usual, due to, no doubt, their own senses of isolation, but heck, I'll take it.
8) Marie Phillips, due to her own sense of isolation, is blogging again. I'll take it!
9) These days, we have free access to theatre and ballet, courtesy of the Globe, the National Theatre, and the Royal Opera House, among other sources.
10) I have opportunities to pursue family research, my go-to mental health activity in the best of times and the worst of times. I just demolished a major brick wall in the Resident Fan Boy's side of the family tree a couple of days ago. I did lose some sleep over that - due to excitement. Don't say it.
11) We still have access to take-out from several of our favourite eateries, which we support for entirely selfish reasons.
12) Miraculously, some of my favourite shops are offering limited, and very personalized, service: book stores, stationers, hosery... It's my bounden duty to help keep them open, right? And I'm shopping local.
13) I'm not in Hades. Sorry. It had to be said.
Barbie Hurl
Here are a few tips for making the "perfect" doll cake.
*- This is totally acceptable for a Groom's Cake:*
No, really. She's got panties on, so it's c...
5 hours ago
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