Monday 1 July 2024

Stand on guard?

The Resident Fan Boy and I are taking the two-minute stroll to check on Demeter, about dinnertime in the warm sunshine of a rather lovely Canada Day.  As we pause to determine a safe time to cross the street, we are taken aback.

A young man on a motorized skateboard sails by.  He is shouldering an enormous Canadian flag on a wooden pole; it flies out behind him, catching the early evening sun. On the other shoulder, he's strapped some sort of ghetto-blaster, blaring out a song that sounds faintly country, but we haven't the time to register it, because, in a matter of seconds, he's a block away.

We come to our senses, and once again, check carefully before crossing.  As we approach Demeter's building, the RFB muses about motor on the skateboard, and the rather terrifying speed at which it's travelling.

"Well, you can't say he isn't visible," I point out.

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